Primary sources on the Internet

Electronic journals and newsletters

A term used to describe a journal that is published in digital form to be displayed on a computer screen.

Access to Chemical journals through a convenient single web location is provided by Chemport - users search the CAplus database and obtain access to journals from Academic Press, AAAS, ACS, AIP Chapman and Hall, IOP, RCS and Springer-Verlag.

Example of full-text journals available in chemistry and chemical engineering are:

Lists of electronic journals in chemistry are available at a number of sites:


Computers linked by a telecommunications systems. They often access to the people who use computers on the networks, by means of e-mail, conferencing or chat facilities.

A list of Newsgroups of interest to chemists is available from the Virtual Library at UCLA.

Communication can also be carried out through mailing lists. An Overview of chemical mailing lists.


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