
Summary of Features

Coverage WWW, Usenet
Size of index 55 million URLs
Extent of indexing Full-text minus stop words.
Levels of searching Just one but offering different capabilities
Implied Boolean YES. It is AND. It can be changed to OR by using the label "Any of the words"
Simple Boolean YES. It can use AND, OR, and AND NOT. Boolean connectors must be in Caps.
Proximity searching NO. Just phrase searching.
Nesting (parenthesis for complex searches) YES
Field searching It can search some fields such as: geographic locations, domain, media type, date range, or site
Wildcards & truncation NO.
Capitalization recognition NO
Ignores stop words? YES
Media type search YES, through the modify options
Display of results Results displayed in order of decreased relevance. Display includes title of the page, summary, url, size of the page, last modified date (or date page was indexed) and relevance in percent.
Display options Full descriptions, brief descriptions, and URLs only
Online help YES
