Reference Databases

There are many primary sources of information in physics such as journal articles. Indeed the problem is to find just what you want among this mass of information. Fortunately there are tools that make this task easier. Information from primary sources has been collected together and organised under subject headings and authors in reference databases. These can be used directly for online searching or for the production of a searchable compact disk CD-ROM database or for the printing of secondary publications called Abstracts and Indexes . These are published at regular intervals - weekly, monthly or quarterly and are usually brought together, or cumulated, annually or for even longer intervals.

KTU Library's Database "Publications" - KTU staff scientific publications: monographs, scientific articles, patents, reports, textbooks, etc. The database contains all publications since 1992. They are defined following searches by author, department, research area, and keywords.

Listed below are the main Physics databases. These are available on compact disks - CD-ROM or via online access. Databases may be available over your campus network.

Access to an online database via a commercial database host system such as ESA-IRS, STN International or DIALOG requires a password and will involve costs.

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